In San Diego, we have a diverse set of machinery at work in our buildings today, with some dating back to early 1900’s. These machines are all unique, and were built to last. We provide many ways to update function and aesthetics, while keeping the machine’s quality of character that is already present.
Lighting Sconces
Changing out old lighting fixtures for newer fixtures is an affordable and simple way to improve the appearance of your elevator cars, as well as enhancing energy efficiency.
New button styles using led technology in an array of color choices can really make the elevator stand out to your clients.
Doors and Hall Stations
Elevator doors are one of the first things you see and touch in the lobby. With the help of a top metal fabricator, we can put a new face on the lobby’s existing equipment.
Starter Replacement
The first line of defense in motor protection and improved energy efficiency is a new solid-state starter. The technology today is a world apart from earlier methods of power distribution and offers protection for vital elevator components.
Valve Replacement
Valve replacement is a simple procedure that can make a noticeable difference in the quality of the elevator riding experience, resulting in smoother lift operation.
We can install and support many elevator security options, including card sliders, floor lockouts, elevator access control panels, as well as elevator cameras.
Many older cars have a cabinet in the control operating panel for a customary sized phone, which was common for that day. We can eliminate this with the latest button-sized counterpart.